Are you driving your staff away because of what you do or is it because of who you are?

Lez shares his thoughts and insights as a passionate Aged Care Professional…

Lez delves into his own perception of the aged care and health system. He opens up honestly about how things are going and adds his own opinions to the mix. Based on discussions and interactions he has had with 50+ staff over the last 18 months, he highlights some of the more defining moments shared by the staff and the significant impact this had on them personally, particularly the emotional impact.

Lez shares his passion for the industry and how the system is now losing focus on the staff, and any building of comradery among the teams is non-existent anymore. You can feel and see the impact this is having on the number of staff who have left and the lack of staff wanting to come on board. 
Lez mixes a few metaphors along the way just to describe and highlight these changes’ impact and places them in some context for everyone to get a feel for. 
There is this perception that organisations and their leaders dont care about frontline staff. I’m sure this isn’t true in most circumstances, but the fact is this; it doesn’t matter if you do or dont care about the staff. If they perceive that you dont, you will struggle to have teamwork, consistency, and comradery, and in the end, you will struggle to build a successful business.
Whether you agree with Lez’s insights, the fact remains that aged care and health care staff are at a tipping point right now.
What direction will it go? forwards or backwards?

Thanks for listening

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