
Episode 5: It’s time to step out of the COVID BUBBLE!

Lez takes you on a journey outlining the impact that COVID has had and will continue to have unless we step out of the COVID bubble and start to live and work with COVID not controlling our every move. We now have the opportunity to start living and start pursuing our career and life goals again without the fear of COVID driving our every move. It’s time to start!

Episode 3: It’s time for a change…?

Leadership in Aged Care has evolved at a rapid rate over the last 3-5 years and especially in frontline manager roles and their leadership requirements and responsibilities. A cookie-cutter approach to training managers and building them into leaders just won’t cut it anymore. A one size fits all approach just doesn’t work in the Aged Care business.

Episode 1: Nicole Z

Nicole Z shares her journey as a Aged Care Professional… What do you love about Aged Care? share your journey… Listen to Nicole Z talk about how Aged Care is a large part of work-life and personal life. Nicole talks about staff and clients and what impact they have on her role and her leadership. Nicole …

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