Episode 3: It’s time for a change…?

Worried about losing one of your aged care managers?

Most senior leaders are too busy to give their managers the time and attention they need to thrive in their roles. If this sounds familiar, I can help you

Leadership in Aged Care has evolved at a rapid rate over the last 3-5 years and especially in frontline manager roles and their leadership requirements and responsibilities. A cookie-cutter approach to training managers and building them into leaders just won’t cut it anymore. A one size fits all approach just doesn’t work in the Aged Care business. 


Episode Transcript

Welcome, again to aged care SOS, with Liz today is all about leadership in the aged care space, and how much it’s changed over the last three to five years, things have changed and evolved at such a rapid rate.

And we need to look at evolving our leaders and getting them up to speed and at a level where they are able to manage their role.

And they’re going to make a difference with the teams with the culture, and be on mission, whatever your mission might be, you need the leaders to provide that to be able to work within and actually deliver that mission and, and be seen by others, by their peers, by their team by every individual within that organization.

They need to see that from their leaders. And the greatest thing about that is if everybody’s seeing their leader behaving a certain way, they want to be like that person, obviously has to be in a positive way. But that’s what happens. In leadership.

That’s what happens when you have a leader who you admire. That’s what happens when you have a leader that you respect. So today’s podcast is about the direction that we need to go in aged care to, to create the leaders that we need to create the leaders who are going to create an industry that staff want to be a part of. So please enjoy the Podcast Take care.

In the HR space with the current managers and the current management programs into leadership programs that that we have at the moment, what we need to do is we need to develop our leaders a little bit differently than we did in the past.

A lot of changes in the aged care space. The ability for our managers now to wear a different number of hats is more critical than ever before. And they need to develop followers within their ranks. So if you’re going to manager, a leader who’s looking after 2030 4050 6070, whatever upwards of hundreds of staff, you need that person to be able to influence that group of people to want to follow their vision to want to follow these the decisions they make.

And the actions that they take a really important that those people are on board with that. So we need to develop leaders with influence. And one of the things I’ve worked on over the last couple of years, is how can we do that. And what is really important for a leader to have in order to be influential.

And there was two specific components which cropped up nearly every time I did any research, or I talked to two leaders where I talk to staff about their leader, the two things were self awareness and influence.

Now, self awareness is a key factor. When you do any sort of leadership programming, you do any sort of research on leadership, you’ll find that self awareness crops up everywhere, and it’s up there without, you know, the top component, or the top requirement to be an effective, efficient, productive leader moving forward. And I completely believe that I actually think self awareness is number one, for anybody who wants to be a great leader.

But then there’s another thing which I think once you combine with your self awareness, you can become an amazing leader who has an amazing impact on an organization and on the people that are within that organization. And that is influence. Your ability to influence others is immense.

If you influence them in a positive way that will follow you, they will admire you, you will inspire them and they will follow you to do whatever it is you want to do. Whatever your vision is you they will follow you a good metaphor to think about what I’m mean here is think about the pied piper, play the right tune, and your team will follow. That’s exactly what happens when you become an influential leader. When you get that self awareness, you dig deep and find where it is within you.

And you combine the influence they come together so well. The synergy created by self awareness and influence is unparalleled, I believe, and it can create a profound impact on the leader and their ability to lead synergistically self awareness, and influence are amazing when they go together.

Now the self awareness is eight keys, which make up someone’s self awareness. Now what we do is we unlock those keys to bring out that self awareness of the individual. And then once we do that, we bring in what I call the eight areas of influence, combine the two and it creates that synergy I was talking about which then the person starts to become and grow into an influential leader.

And it’s a big shift, a dynamic one if you like, and it’s very noticeable. When you see the change in a leader when they’ve made that shift. It’s almost like The light bulb goes on. And they finally realize what it’s what is required to be a leader. And what do I need to do in order to get the best out of my staff? In order to get great outcomes? I’ve always believed that people are the answer. You treat people will give them the opportunity to perform.

You’ll get whatever it is you want. I firmly believe that and I think that’s all you need to do. Please leave me a note down the bottom gasp any questions? If there’s anything you need? Let me know. Take care, bye.

If you want to take your leadership to another level, and be the best possibility you can be the best version of yourself in regard to leadership in the aged care space. Have a good thing about self awareness, have a good thing about how self awareness is showing up for you. And as well, how influential Are you in your role at the moment? And if you were more influential, what impact would that have?

Thanks for listening. This is Lez with aged care SOS. Take care yourself.

Do you have a leadership role in the Aged Care Industry?

If you’re managing a team of care workers, or a team of frontline managers, I’d love to have you on the show! Learn more here


Show notes & resources

In this episode of Aged Care Industry SOS, I mentioned the following resources:

1. Leadership Self Assessment Tool

Thanks for listening!

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